Sunday, October 13, 2013

Bean Town and Lobsters

On our way! Trevor drove us. We were sad to say good bye to him, we really miss him. He is gone a lot and can't make it back but every couple of months.
 First time in the airport! 3 weeks old here. We were in Boston/Maine from August 9th to the 18th. We made it through security easily, she was starting to get hungry and fussy at the end. As we were walking towards the gate, I was afraid she might get really upset before we got there. I heard her sucking and when I looked at her, she had her thumb in her mouth! It was so funny to hear it and see this small little girl sucking away at her thumb. She has done it only a handful of times since but will suck on her hand or arm fairly often. She was a superstar on the plane, we didn't have a problem at all. In fact, I think she loved the noise and rumble. Put her right to sleep! It was like being with a celebrity. Everybody asked about her, "ahhh-ed" at her, smiled at her, etc. It was fun to get so many compliments, we sure think she is adorable. It is fun to hear that from others as well! Our flight from Milwaukee to Boston was delayed due to a heavy rain storm for a couple of hours. We got in when it was dark, which was hard since it is such a big city and dark when we got there. Greg was superman, he had a big back pack on, our large suitcase with the parachute bag on top, and the car seat in hand. I only had to worry about the diaper bag and push her in the stroller. While carrying all the bags and the car seat, he also navigated everywhere we went. He got us safely to the hotel. The trip from the airport consisted of a bus ride, a train ride, and a walk. It took about 20 or 25 minutes. Tess was so upset at this point and I couldn't figure out why. I had just fed her. So, I was really happy once we made it to the hotel and cold relax with Ben and Amanda. They had quit the trip there and had checked in before us to relax for a bit.

Waiting for the bus at the airport in Boston. Tired of traveling, ready to get to our hotel room!

 One of the things I love to do is bake! I love to imagine and dream about being able to do really impressive things, like beautiful cupcakes, cakes, cookies, etc. There is a show on the TLC channel I love called "DC Cupcakes." I have watched all the episodes they have on Netflixs. They happen to have a shop in Boston, I decided I had to stop and try their cupcakes. So, we stopped on Saturday morning and got 1/2 a dozen. We saved them to eat for dessert after lunch and quartered each one. We all got to taste each flavor. They were really good! My favorite, peach. Delicious! I had to take a couple pictures of their store in Boston.

 Driving around Boston!

 A tour being given of the freedom trail. If we had known about the Duck Tours and had found a great deal, we would have done that in a second! We went downtown but it was hard to know where to go and Tess needing to eat, etc. Ben and Amanda were such good sports. They really were patient with all the feeding, stops, and feedings at night. In fact, they were a great help. They were great travel companions and we are so glad we had their company.
 Out touring Boston. We didn't see much, it was hard to know where to go and what would be the most fun. Next time, an hour and a half duck tour will be on the list! We found a TERRIFIC Mediterranean restaurant. So good! Locally owned, and the cook was terrific. Very fresh.

 The moment! I get to try the cupcakes! I looked forward to this ever since I found out they had a store in Boston. They have cute tops and we were all excited to open the fancy box they put them in.
 And, their boxes stink! It looks like we tossed the box around, but we didn't. Ha ha. It was funny.

 "The girls will think your foxy if you chug a little Moxy in the state of Maine." This was the soda's slogan. Greg had the traditional drink in Freeport with a delicious Lobster Roll. There were a ton of shops there and we walked around for a bit and enjoyed part of a concert. It was really loud, the music was great. I didn't think it'd be good for Tess's developing hearing so, we went. It was getting late anyway.
 This is my favorite little sleeping look. So content, exactly after eating, late at night and could barely open her eyes to eat!
 The house we stayed at on Sebec Lake was amazing! So nice! Very contemporary! We had a nice room and bed, it was wonderful. Here is our little girl taking a snooze. She turns her head to the side a lot to sleep. I have tired doing it and it's so uncomfortable! She really likes it though. Its the reason she had such a tough time getting through the birth canal and had to be helped with forceps. Her head turned I guess made the tight squeeze...really tight!
 After a bath, she loves them! She is always so excited afterwards.

 Sporting the cute headband that great-grandma Grams gave her.
It's been a few months since the trip, but there was a time that I felt the only sleep I would ever get is the sleep I saw other people get....but...this was really cute I thought. My two favorite people!
 We had a fun family dinner and ice cream cone at Moosehead Lake cone night. Everywhere you go in Maine, it is picturesque! It looks like a postcard, Moosehead lake is the ultimate postcard! Gorgeous!

 Grams was so cute with the kids! They loved her! She had little snacks for them, games to play, and pictures to color. She spoiled all of us! She gave us all presents that were nicely wrapped, baked many dozen cookies for us, pies, and bread. Boy, that lady can bake! All the guys went over and did some projects for her for a good part of the day. She was so excited to have some help. We went over and toured the house along with Heidi and Albert's across the street. They all live IN the postcard! The area was amazing!
 Here is Heidi and Albert's area. Greg used to come play here when he was a kid during the summer. Rolling hills, really green, tons of trees!

 Checking out Gram. They got along perfectly. We will hopefully see her again sometime soon! Maine is so far away, it will be hard to make it out very often.
 All wrapped up, comfy.
 The kids loved the pinata!

 Boston Redsocks fan!
First smile caught on camera. She smiles a ton, but it is still pretty random. She kind of looks like a cancer patient with her little hat. But it is such a cute face! 

 Albert, Heidi, Gram, Bart

 At the cemetery in Dover-Foxcroft. Harley, Greg's grandfather's grave. And his son, Greg's uncle, who he is named after.

 When all the nieces and nephews arrived!! We were SO excited for all of them to get there! They were all so cute with Tess and all held her or said their own hello at some point. Her biggest fan though, was Dallin! He wanted to hold her all the time, and would come to our room frequently looking for her. He will be a terrific big brother one of these days. No announcement yet though! Just from Reed and Anne's family this time!

Ella sharing her stuffed dog with Tess, telling her what a dog says..."wolf, wolf."

A million dollar smile, always such a happy girl! And a BIG announcement, if you read her shirt! Excited for Anne and Reed to welcome their 4th in March, due on Harley's birthday the 7th. 

The luxurious house with a fabulous view!

Trying to make her laugh...
she was definitely not old enough to think that was funny yet, but she didn't mind either. 

Greg swam to a rock in the middle of the lake, Ben swam with him on the way there while Amanda and Stu rowed in the canoe. Stu swam on the way home.

Hanging out with Grampy Sloat! They had some good bonding time. It was so fun to have everybody meet her when she was only a few weeks old! I just love all my in laws, nieces, and nephews. Every time I am around them, every fun group text, etc I think, I am just so lucky! I love Greg's family, my family now! They are all such wonderful people. I couldn't ask for a better family.
Hanging out with Aunt Anne. I was REALLY excited to hear that she was expecting! Her little girl or boy will be close to Tess's age and they can be buddies! All of Carolyn and Reed's kids play together so well. It'll be fun when Tess is old enough to be in the mix with all of her cousins.

Mr. Dallin with Tess again. Like a big brother to her! He is such a big hearted softy....

Fancy, fresh, lobster dinner! These were caught only the night before!

Digging in! Gram is showing everybody how to eat them!
Puzzles! They almost finished a really tough one! They just didn't have enough time, otherwise they would have.
I feel like this is what I did most of the time, feed Tess! So, I used the nursing cover a lot. I didn't want to have to be in our room for so much of the time in Maine. So, I was around a lot with this on while she ate. It's funny what a different perspective I have now of the whole trip. I started this blog post almost right after we got back but just hadn't finished yet. I was so unadjusted and so exhausted. Now, I am very much adjusted and have learned a few tricks and treasures that have made feeding more flexible. First, I went to the lactation specialist and she taught me how to pump right so I have plenty of milk. Second, I know how to use the milk and and feed her when we are on the fly and I can't feed her right away. Third, she is sleeping longer!!! She sleeps 4-5 hours the first leg of the night and then up every two hours but it has made such a big difference! I don't think mother's really are willing to say it, but I will! Having a baby is the best thing you could ever do and will bring you the most joy, but it is extremely difficult. On your body. On your emotions. It's a good thing they do bring you so much joy, or you may not have very many! You also adjust, and learn to truly enjoy everything about the changes they bring. Some changes are easier to adjust to. Like how adorable they are and how amazingly fast they grow. Others, like night time and trying to figure out how to make sure they are happy and fed every two hours is something that is harder to get used to. Now, I enjoy our night time feedings. I don't always pop up like a spring chick, but I always get there and I love feeding her at night, it is our special time. Now that I am in school, I really enjoy it because I miss so much during those hours of the day. Right now, I am almost half way through with the semester...yippee!!

First time I am digging in! It was really good. I was kind of a wimp though! Greg thought that was funny, he knew I'd be like that. It kind of creeps me out to eat the animal, and I can tell what animal it is. Like a pig picking party...not my thing. 


On a walk one morning with Tess.
My view of her, all bundled up in the Ergo Baby! Oh gosh, I love this little face. She is such a sweet little girl. 
The cousins! One of these days in the future, she'll be running around with them! Ryan and Carolyn brought a tank with helium, and the kids loved their balloons.
Snoozing, this is how she always sleeps if she isn't bundled. We were waiting to leave for Moosehead Lake for dinner.

On our way to Moosehead lake, not a boring drive at all. GORGEOUS!
Bad hair moment! The hairbands make her hair stick up in the front, so funny when we slip them off.

Little family photo! Gives me motivation to loose the extra 20 pounds I gained when pregnant.

Ice cream faces!

Yep, I definitely have the cutest nieces and nephews. I wish we could see them more!
 On the way home from Moosehead Lake!

 Figuring out the baby carrier!

 She just looks so comfy!

 Ahh...I love babies!
 The Coast!!

 I married a good looking guy!!!

 Anne with Reed and Harley, going for a little walk down to the water.

 Jumbo whoopie pies! Ben and Amanda shared several whoopie pie flavors. We did the same thing we did with the cupcakes and cut them up and sampled each flavor. We ate with Reed and Anne's family as well. I just love getting together, everybody is so wonderful! I married into such a wonderful family. Tess and her siblings are going to have such great aunts, uncles, and cousins. Reunions are fun, and are going to just get even more fun!

 After a comfy hotel room that Ben and Amanda got, they had to leave, but we left later in the day. So, we decided to see a little bit of Boston after relaxing in the hotel for the morning.

 Went and saw the USS Constitution, Old Iron sides! I'd say the name of the street fits!

 Tess enjoying a little nap, making mom jealous a little bit.

 Boston is so beautiful, I love the housing they have in this area.

 In the airport, Tess was really checking herself out. She was in  a full cry and then she saw herself, was totally entertained by it!

And then we went home! What an amazing trip that we will always remember! Thanks for the fun memories everyone and thank you Bart and Anne for planning and making it possible! 

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