Thursday, May 10, 2012

Decisions! Decisions!

The farm boy...soon to be a medical student in Wisconsin. Trevor has worked on the LDS church welfare farm for years now, both during the summer and during his time waiting for medical school applications/interviews to be completed. It has been fun for him to learn and do lots of stuff on this farm with our uncle and cousin. We came out for a visit while Paige was home, so we could suprise her later that night. Trev took us on a little ride to unclog the sprinklers on the pivots!

Greg was excited to have a farming experience....
This last weekend we decided to head down to Colorado for a visit. At first, Greg and I were just chatting about my little sister. We thought it'd be cool to go down and suprise her for her birthday. She is always asking when we are coming and even bought a tennis racket so she could play with Greg the next time we come. So, we decided we'd squeeze a weekend in at Colorado, not hard to do...its a fun place for me to visit! It turned out to be perfect because Greg was asked to interview over a teleconference, but was able to let them know that he would be in town and would like to just come in an interview! Lucky? I don't know, some things I think are not coinsidences! The job interview was at a State Farm coorporate here is where decisions start to come into play.

I can remember the first time I ever heard Greg talk, one of the first things I heard him describe himself as was a high school teacher. I thought that was the neatest thing! He has a really special talent for teaching and connecting with students. The more I got to know him, the more excited I got for him to have a classroom of his own and see how he would be valued by his co-teachers and students. I think he would be one of those teachers that all the students love and respect...along with all of the other teachers. He has thought that maybe he would even love to be a principal. I had the best high school principal, and I have thought several times how neat it would be to be a principal. I was excited that he was thinking about this option as well, I grew up knowing my principal very well and I think Greg could be a very effective and influential principal, both for teachers and students. As time has gone on, and applications have been sent, the process has been nothing but road blocks unfortunately. Even in the school districts where we know the princpal or board members, there hasn't been any interviews or contacts from any of the school districts that he has applied. We will keep trying though!

In light of the lack of response and recent changes in benefits that teachers are offered, Greg and I started to think about possible careers paths as alternatives. Some of them have been to just go back to school and look into organizational behavior studies (among other possabilities) short, phsycology for businesses or schools and familes or large organizations. I thought Greg might be really great at helping employers to improve the environment for thier employees, improve employee moral, and also help employers to improve employee engagement. Things of this nature would also bring about public speaking, motivational speaking, and training. All of which I feel Greg would be really talented at...he already is! We also talked about overseas schools teaching English and following his Dad's tracks in the military. At one time, Greg really wanted to be a helicopter pilot, but he doesn't have the 20/20 vision requirement. Then, Greg started to ask me about what my Dad does. My dad has been working for State Farm for 25+ years and he has always really liked it. I don't think it was insurance that caught Greg's eye, but that my Dad just talks about State Farm a lot so Greg has started to think that it may be something worth looking into. State Farm has a lot of avenues and opportunities for a variety of interests. It has turned out to be a very good option so far! He started applying for various positions around the west about 3 weeks ago, and we are already getting him ready to fly out for a 4th interview in Billings, Montana! He has interviewed with the Greely Operations Center twice, Pocatello once, and now Billings. He hasn't heard back officially on any of them so I guess there maybe a lot of options opened up to Mr. Gregs here in a couple weeks. I am so excited for him, he would be such a valuable and loved employee not matter where he goes, I am thrilled that his talents and values are being "examined" as he goes off to find himself a career he will love and give him an opportunity to make a difference!

Each interview has been a postive and encouraging experience for Greg, he has been complimented and well received in each situation and in each interview. We are still applying, thinking, and hoping...but we are looking forward to seeing what may happen in regards to Greg's employment this year! Who knows where we will be and what he will be doing, it is an adventure.

For now, we are trying to work extra hours, have some fun, and I am enjoying some time off school! I like to rub it in now that Greg is the student and I am not. FREEDOM!  Although, his one credit online class he needs to take in order to complete his degree is...lets say, kind of silly and a definite loop hole they make students jump through to get their degree (in fact he will probably just finish the whole thing in one week), I still like to brag that I am FREE from constant homework and studying!  Now I need to be the one to make food, do housework, and make him lunches so he can make it from morning to evening and get everything done. He has been the greatest support, going out of his way to help me so that I can study and do assignments without having to worry about laundry, cleaning house, or cooking. I was able to pull off straight A's this semester and I have Greg to thanks for all the time he freed up for me and made it possible for me to have the time available.

And the good news comes as I am in the MIDDLE of this post...Greg has been offered the position at State Farm in the Corporate Claims deptartment!! He has accepted and plans to start the beginning of June, tentatively the 4th of June! Coloardo and State Farm, I hope you are we come.

Now, on with some more "stuff." So, my little sister discovered that my parents were putting together a suprise party for her. But, she didn't know WE were going to be there! So, it turned out to be a suprise after all! We had a fun time, here are some pics.

Handsome guys!

Pretty Mom!

Awesome friends! We had a great turnout.

And...awesome food!

Greg wrote Paige a little rap, and then used then stood on a piece of furniture to recite it! Not a bad little poem for how much time he had.

Happy 17th Birthday Paige!

A view of the birthday decor.

Presents...lots of them.

We put some bling on Paige that said, "It's my Birthday!"

One of the presents she got, some nice new Nike shorts.

It was a fun trip, we enjoyed relaxing, eating great food, amazing company, and playing a little. Greg finally got to use his new clubs and driver he got for his birthday. Did pretty well, he got a 45, not bad for not playing very often and even then he hasn't played for like 8 months! I am thinking that maybe I should get some clubs myself!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you guys! See you in less than 2 weeks!
