Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dig in!

I have a few unrelated pictures I'd like to incorporate in this post, so it will be kind of random. So...I guess I am just going to be like Greg and "dig in!"

Looks like Greg dug a little too deep here....
Ha ha (his idea on the picture!)

Hungry? We were! For the Hunger Games anyway...we both have looked forward to seeing this movie since we found out about it's release before we even got married! Only five months ago, but still, in the world we live in that is a while to wait.  We both loved the books and the previews looked amazing. So we saw it the day it came out, the afternoon show. Needless to say, we did enjoy the movie, we felt it was a little "empty" compared to the books. But, it was a lot of fun to go see the movie and I recommend it if you have read the book!

 Of course, we had to have a lot of popcorn and some soda! 
 Afterwards, we walked by a eye glass shop. Which one do you like!!????

Well...we ended up getting this beauties at another store. Of course, the handsome Greg looks great in his new glasses. 

We are currently training for a half marathon, which is something we have talked about doing since we met. We have signed up to run in the American Fork Half Marathon...on June 23rd. I keep track of my runs with a GPS on my phone. Which is really annoying to carry and I don't think I'll do it much longer once I get a watch. But the one benefit to having my phone is taking some of the beautiful areas I see while I am running on Saturday mornings in Provo. Provo is so beautiful!

 So, just two but this was my favorite part, downhill!

My brother, Trey, doesn't have too bad of a view in Chile. Here is a little update from his mission. 

 Here is a little pic after playing some soccer. Soccer is a popular activity during the preparation day free time. Trey loves soccer! It was his favorite sport and was heavily involved in it both at the high school in Wyoming and in Colorado. Supposedly, his team won. 

I think he is really enjoying his time there. He and his companion are SO busy! They have lots of appointments, lots of member help, and have lots of progressing investigators. It's a ton of fun hearing from him and all the success they are having. 

Holidays are so much more fun when you get to celebrate them with a new husband! Easter was amazing, and luckily, the Easter bunny found our house. But, as the Sloat family tradition goes, the Easter bunny always hides the basket. So we both woke up and spent a few minutes looking for our baskets. It was a lot of fun, and I think it will be fun to go in the future when we have kids. We had some good food too. Of course, I took pictures. Someday when we have kids, I will take pictures of them. I think Greg gets sick of me taking pictures of him!  We colored eggs, I made homemade rolls for the very first time, and went for a nice little walk! The weather has been very "spring" like, bouncing back and forth between cold and warm. 

We hope everyone had a great Easter, it is exciting to celebrate the most important thing that has ever happened in this world, truly, our Savior has risen! 

Love notes....send one to somebody you care about today! It doesn't always have to be in the traditional way though, here are some ways that Greg has suprised me. 
 Eggs in a nest, formed in a little heart. 
 A funny picture to cheer somebody up....
Or, the best ever... just a random message saying the simple three words, "I Love You!"


  1. Greg, I like the new glasses! Chelsea, your meals always look so delicious, those rolls look amazing!

  2. Looks like you guys are rockin' the married world!!!! SO FUN! I miss you guys TONS!Great job on your motivation to do a half marathon and I would love to eat some of your meals Chels:)And the pic 'to cheer someone up' totally worked. lol!! I loved the update on Trey, thanks Chels. I miss that turd! LOVES
