Monday, December 1, 2014

What Little Miss Tess is up to...

Watching her sing along! This has been a life saver in helping me to get things done around the house. She watches the same ones over and over. She likes "Baby Genuis: Favorite Children's Songs." It's a cute little show and they sing the whole time. I thought her attention to the show and her hair were hilarious!


Still loves baths! Especially bubble baths. 

Sleepy snuggles, my personal favorite! 
This girl likes her apples large, in charge, and whole! No slices for this girl. She prefers her apple whole. What a funny little girl, she eats a lot of the apple too. I am always really impressed.

Tess and I are starting to form a schedule during our week. I hope to add more and have a much more steady schedule. I think we both do better when our weeks and days are more consistent. Right now, every Monday we go to Centennial Hills Library for story time at 10:30. We go a little early and play in the children's area before and stay a little while after. They have lots of puzzles, building blocks, play kitchen, bead trains, doll houses, and puppets. It's such a fun little area and there are of course, always kids there! Tess loves it. She used to just sit there during story time, now she does a lot of the actions and gets so excited! I have really enjoyed watching her interest and abilities evolve, even just in story time. We also go to a play group our ward organizes. There is usually a great turn out and it has become something I really look forward to. Not only does Tess enjoy it but I have really come to love the kids and their moms. We have such a good time. Also in our schedule, we do a bath every morning right after breakfast, she takes a nap right after lunch and we read books and sing. The rest of our week is filled with grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, walks, playing around the house, and watching Elmo, Barney, or Baby Genius Sing Alongs. She loves the little videos with songs and has never shown any interest in movies.

 One thing "I" enjoy doing is....this little girls hair!!! I just love that her hair has grown in quickly. I love playing with her hair and trying new things all the time. She is pretty patient with me too. I definitely have to keep her entertained while I do it and the only way I have found that if I let her play in the sink after her bath and give her things to play with, I usually have a good few minutes to do her hair. Which is usually all it takes. I can do her hair in twin french braids now! I do ladder pony tails, a twist around her head to a side bun, and some other fun things. Little girl hair is so much fun to do!

 Morning time bed head! She always wakes up in the best mood. What a little ray of sunshine!

 I love this picture, Molly took it. She is just perched looking at something. So funny.

 Sporting the pajamas Aunt Molly made her! 
 Ready for church one morning, hanging out. I was letting her watch a little sing along so I could get us out the door. Greg is busy with a new calling, and I seem to have a hard time figuring out how to get ready for one o'clock church. Say what!? What will we do once it switches to nine o'clock!?
This is Tess playing at the library, I wish I could video and take pictures during story time, but I can't.

 Wonder where she gets it from? 
 Random photo insert, we were all out at the "haunted" corn maze on Paige's farewell weekend. I have pictures up on her blog here:

 At a park in Fort Collins after family pictures. 

Eating BBQ sauce with a little bit of chicken nugget! 

Here are some notes on little Miss Tess I keep on my phone, starting with the most recent: 

11/17- saying more and more ALL THE TIME! She knows what a horse, duck, cow, and dog say. She says please, out, up, among other things. She does a lot of copying...which is really cute!
11/5-I check on her every single night before I go to bed. Nobody loves and adores that girl, on this earth, more then me. She is such a sweetheart! She is a very loving little girl. She girls lots of hugs and snuggles. She rubs your arms when she gives you a hug. My favorite thing in the world! Yesterday, I had an emotional day and at one point I started crying. She immediately showed profound compassion. It was moving, she had a look of total compassion and concern on her face (like she was an adult, or knew how I felt) and right away tried to console me. She hugged me and was so worried about me. Wanted to sit on my lap. It was so sweet and very typical of little Miss Tess.
11/3-copy cat! Makes all kinds of animal sounds and will copy some words. She is SO PROUD after she says something and loves it when we cheer for her and clap when she makes the animal sound. She likes Barney and any sing along video. She will watch for 5 minutes but will watch longer if I sit with her and sing along. She loves the song and actions to "If your happy and you know it...."
10/28-French braids and climbed out of her crib! Ah! Says, hello, hi, puppy, pop, mom, dad, etc.
10/27-for over a week now she climbs OVER the gate at the bottom of the stairs! Crap!
10/25- Tess has been to a trunk or treat and to a community been and has collected a good amount of Halloween candy. She currently doesn't get the idea of going to get more. She gets candy and she wants to eat it right away! This morning I came downstairs after getting ready and Greg and Tess were surrounded by wrappers in candy heaven! Greg said she was so excited but couldn't eat fast enough. She would spit one candy out before she finished it because she was too excited to get started on another piece! I think she's a fan of Halloween!
10/17-4 molars, two on top and bottom. 8 front teeth, 4 on top and on bottom. Has had all those for months, since before she turned one. She's getting 4 more in, her sharp K9s
10/13-caught picking her nose for the first time, not long and didn't look successful but picking none the less!!
10/9-She is getting the idea that pens are for writing! She likes to click them and scribbled on some paper today and on her leg yesterday.
10/6-Tess is so social and not afraid of older kids. There was a group of girls at the park and they were gathered around a bag pulling items out of it. She shoved her way to the center and got in their face to say, "hi!" It was hilarious! They must have been 5th or 6th graders. What a brave little toddler! Assertive too.
10/5-a few days ago Tess was upstairs with Greg and she got out if his sight for a few minutes. She walked, upright, down the stairs while having a hand on the wall....all by herself!!! I heard her jabbering and realized Greg was not with her! I ran over and caught her almost to the bottom of the stairs. Oh boy! What a big girl, I am so, SO grateful she didn't fall.
10/3-I can officially say Tess is weaned! It is bittersweet, she used to rub my arm when she nursed. I miss that and the snuggles. But, I really needed it! I have a little more energy and it was becoming an all too obvious crutch for all of us. It is much better now! My little baby is growing up! It was Greg's drive to make it happen. He has started to our her to bed and get her out of bed, and took care if her-both times I normally would nurse. That took care of those two and distractions and persistence took care if the two to three feedings during the day. I've had no soreness or engorgement, I wasn't producing much anyway! It was just habit and she used it to comfort herself and fall asleep. A habit that became overwhelming to both of us. I'm so glad I was able to Breastfeeding, glad to move on!
9/26- puckering really good for kisses!
9/20- Tess for a week or so has shown a great deal of interest in feeding herself with utensils! I usually help get it on her spoon or fork and she feeds herself! Takes a little longer to eat but it is so cute!
9/20- we sat down to eat breakfast together and she had been carrying her milk around while I got it ready. When we sat down, it was across the room. I told her to go get her milk and being it to the table. She did it!!! It's the first time I've ever asked her to do something directly (besides no) and she did it! She understood! I was amazed!
9/17- It's been months since she's worn a head band, I style her hair with twists, braids, 1/2 pig tails, etc. she has long hair, and lots of it! Everybody loves her hair. She is on the move now, getting faster all the time and practically running! Loves books and anything with a tube and a cap-that she can get open! She throws a lot of fits. Very emotional and dramatic. But that also makes her a ton of fun. She still puts everything in her mouth!
9/15- she now loves the word, "ow." And says it when she doesn't get her way...which can be awkward in public! She is throwing fits like crazy! She's the cutest stubborn little girl. I usually let her throw her fit and she calms herself down. Unless we are in a quiet place, then I take her out. She loves talking on the phone and holds it up to her ear. Loves walking, climbing, being outside, reading (her favorite book: How does a dinosaur say good night?"), music, dancing, and is jabbering All. The. Time! She gives the best hugs in the world, complete with hand gestures including tapping and rubbing on the shoulders of her recipient. I love for those precious hugs! She's been sleeping on her own, all through the night for 6 weeks now. She let's is know when she is tired at night, always between 7-8 and wakes up around 6:30 usually. I think she had her first nightmare, she woke us up screaming. When I ran in she was still half asleep and laying down. I snuggled her back to sleep and she woke up for the day happy as can be. She loves getting her toe nails painted! What a hoot! She brings them to me, picking her color, and is fairly patient although I still need to work quickly! She loves necklaces, sparkly stuff, and playing with bows. What a girly girl!
8/16: says baby, pretty, banana, hi, mom, dad, bye
8/11- took a few extra steps yesterday, today, she can walk across the room!!!!!! She can stand up and pick stuff up on her own without pulling up on something.
Something else, Tess likes to be funny and make people laugh. She loves to be goofy and if you laugh at something she does, she will definitely do it again.
8/8- she now always goes "awe" after she drinks something, adorable!
8/7- walking between furniture  a lot!
8/4- it's been happening long enough and consistently enough that I can put down TWO things: sleeping through the night!!!!! And eating!!! She eats whole meals, will eat go yogurt like crazy, bananas, nectarines, spaghetti, etc! This girl is making her mama soooo happy!!
7/22-standing on her own and initiated it at pita pit
7/7- walking like a champ with only one handed support, been climbing up on couch for a few weeks
7/7-trying to make "moo" and horses "neigh" sounds
7/5 Says "hi" like a big girl and everybody can't get enough of it!! Cute!
6/26-for a few weeks know she has started to point when she wants something or wants to do something cute!!!

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